History of Bilaspur (Kahlur)
Brief History of Bilaspur:
The ruling family of Bilaspur is of Chanderbansi race (Chandel) of Bundelkhand. The clan name of the ruling family is Kahluria.
Source of History of Bilaspur:
- Sashi Bansa Binod : Compiled by Kavi Ganesh Singh
- Twarikh-i-Rajputana Mulk-i-Punjab: Thakur Kahn Singh, Balaurea
Bir Chand (A.D 900): Founded Bilaspur State
- Built temple of Naina Devi at Dhar Naina Devi.
- At the end of the hill, he erected a fort called Kot-Kahlur and founded a town in the plain, called Naina Devi, as the capital for the new state.
- Subjugated Barah Thakuraian of Shimla Hills.
Megh Chand (A.D 1300) :
- Harsh and tyrannical
- People forced him to leave the state, took asylum in Kullu.
- Regained kingdom with the help of Shams-uddin Altamash, the Sultan of Delhi
Abhisand Chand: Contemporary of Sikander Lodhi
Sampuran Chand : Short reign. Killed by his brother Ratan Chand.
Gyan Chand: Contemporary of Akbar. Embraced Islam along with his two sons Rama and Bhima
Bik Chand: Elder son of Gyan Chand.
- Remained in Hindu faith.
- He fled across the Satluj with his mother and settle at a place called Sunhani.
Kalyan Chand (1630):
- Built a for on the border of Hindur leading to war in which Raja of Hindur was killed.
- War between him and his father-in-law, Raja of Suket at Mahadeo in which he was mortally wounded and died on the way back to Bilaspur at a place which is still called Kalyan Chand ki dwari.
Tara Chand (1645) : Built Taragarh Fort in Himdur( Nalagarh).
Dip Chand (1650) :
- Shifted residence of ruling family (capital) fron 'Sunhani' to a place on left bank of Satluj called 'Vyasgufa' in 1654.
- There he erected a palace called 'Dholar' and founded a town called 'Biaspur' now called 'Bilaspur'.
- A temple called 'Deomati' has been built which become family temple of ruling family.
- Fixed salutes 'Jai Deva' to Rajas, 'Jai' to Mians and 'Ram-Ram' for Ranas.
- Poisoned by Raja of Kangra during hos stay in Nadaun.
Bhim Chand (1667) :
- Disputes with Guru Gobind Singh. Fought Battle of Bhangani (near Paonta Sahib) in 1686.
- Peace between two in 1701.
Ajmer Chand (1712) : Built Ajmergarh fort on the boundary of Hindur.
Devi Chand (1741) : Built Dhawaikot fort and gave Ramgarh fort to Bijai Singh of Hindur.
Mahan Chand (1778) :
- Raja Sansar Chand of Kangra built a for on Dhar Janjrar of Bilaspur and called it Chhatipur i.e fort on the chest of Bilaspur.
- Mahan Chand invited Amar Singh Thapa, the Gurkha Commander to invade Kangra
- Gurkhas occupied Bilaspur & other hill states till 1814.
Kharak Chand (1824-1839) :
- Darkest page in the history of Bilaspur.
- People revolted against his atrocities under his uncle Mian Jagat Chand.
- Died childless as a result of small pox
Jagat Chand (1839-1857):
- His only son Narpat Chand died leaving a son Hira Chand.
- Abdicted throne in favour of grandson Hira Chand and retired to Vrindavan.
Hira Chand (1857- 1882) :
- Golden period in history of Bilaspur.
- Supported British during revolt of 1857 and got salute of 11 guns.
- Reorganised land revenue system in 1863. Till 1863, land revenue was paid in kind i.e state taking one-third of the produce. He made revenue demand payable partly in cash and partly in kind.
- In 1867, Baseh Bachertu was restored to the state.
- In 1871, Lord Mayo passed throug Bilaspur on his way to Kangra.
- Attended the Delhi Proclamation darbar of 1877 and received a medal.
Amar Chand (1883-1888) :
- Extended system of cash system in land revenue initiated by his father, and also abolished 'Begar', recovering in lieu a cash rate of 25% called ' Bathanga'.
- Revolt against revenue administration.
- In 1885, he ordered to keep record of cases in 'Nagri' Script (Hindi).
- Got a suspension bridge built over Satluj in 1888 and died in same year.
Bijai Chand (1889) :
- System of court fee and non-judicial stamps were introduced.
- Laid down water supply in Bilaspur town.
- Built 'Rang-Mahal' palace in Bilaspur.
- Extended help to British in World War I for which he was honored with title K.C.I.E and honorary rank of Major.
Anand Chand (1933) :
- Last ruler of Bilaspur, ruled upto 9th Oct, 1948 when Bilaspur was made Part- 'C' state of India.
- Appointed as first Chief Commissioner of Bilaspur by GOI.
Bilaspur was merged into Himachal Pradesh on 1st July, 1954 to form a district.